Gemma Rosell is an amazing mother of 5 children from Catalonia. She has been our ambassador since 2021 and continues to do so to this day. Not only is she an amazing cyclist, but she is also involved in different sports as well that are very impressive. We're not done yet, she's also the CEO of Can Pistraques. Can Pistraques is a family business, with a centenarian trajectory. Its origins go back to 1873 when it appears in the oldest invoice that retains the business. To summarise, we are very happy and honoured to have Gemma as our ambassador, and thank you for checking out SeaSucker through her referral.
Check out his specific setup here below.

La technologie innovante de montage sous vide de SeaSucker permet de fixer de manière transparente les porte-bagages aux voitures et les accessoires marins aux bateaux et plus encore sans avoir à se soucier de rayer les surfaces ou de percer des trous. Incroyablement solide, polyvalent et facile à utiliser.
SeaSucker est le fournisseur officiel de porte-bagages de la plus grande instance dirigeante du cyclisme, l'UCI, depuis 2017. Le rack d'équipe 9 vélos de SeaSucker est le rack exclusif pour le championnat du monde.